
Nadi Astrology

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Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth are the Five Elements (Panchabhutas); out of which everything found in the Universe has been created. They are protected for the wellbeing of the inhabitants of the world and destroyed at the end for recreation. It is believed that Lord Brahma is authorized for creation, Lord Vishnu is authorized for protection or preservation and Lord Shiva is authorized for destruction; it is nothing but recreation. Birth, Life and Death have been designed in accordance with the Karma (activities involved) of an individual that everyone knows. Karma is the cause for recurring births and deaths; this is the reason that two people are not alike and the lives of the individuals differ from one another. Envisaging the hazards that the inhabitants of the world suffer from, out of sheer wisdom that they had obtained through rigid penance and meditation, some enlightened saints of the ancient past had created some records for the wellbeing of the future generations.


Yes, those palm leave records are nothing but Nadi and they are being preserved since many more decades and used to guide the mankind to be on right track to enjoy the best, nourishing peace and prosperities all over the world.

By predicting the future of individuals by reading their Nadi (recorded on palm leaves), we have been helping people to enjoy proper progress in their lives, evading and/or minimizing the anticipatedproblems. Though various types of astrological systems are in vogue, our Shiva Sukshma Nadi is the most descriptive. It guides individuals to shape their life perfectly by performing the proper remedies, as prescribed by this Holy Script (Nadi Records) after understanding the role of past birth karma and its evil impact over their present life.

For your kind attention please note that these Nadi Records are not found for the entire population of the world but it is limited to some fortunate noble souls. If you are one among them, it is sure that you will have your records in our repository.

Best of Luck - We will Pray for You!

In divine service………………….